Sunday 3 February 2013

Packaging, Logo and General Things.


For my package I looked at my audience - book publishers- and decided to come up with a few ideas based around that by creating a package based around books and typography. 
I drew a few ideas in my sketchbook and have chosen one to pursue involving a box containing different layers of type. I will design my own type and possibly look at colour. The "words can fly" poster had white type with colour elsewhere. This may be an interesting way to look at colour for my package.
Next I will look at drawing out nets and creating small prototypes to see how the package would work. 


During the logo workshop we looked at creating a logo out of our initials using pre existing type. I think this created interesting designs, but I don't think they fit with the fluid nature of the type I want to use. I will look at combining the type I use for my 'pages' with the type for the logo to tie them together. 

General Things

A problem with my idea could be that the 'pages' may be fragile. To tackle this I will look at the type of paper I use and the amount of paper I cut away. I will do tests to see how strong they will be, however if they are within a box then they may not have to be too strong as they will be protected. 

~ Next: Start looking at type, nets, and how all the elements will fit together. Also look at the logo and how this will link and where it will be placed. 

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