Tuesday 12 February 2013

Laser Cutter

Using the laser cutter is stressful. 

The first problem I encountered was the type. Because my image was not very high quality and pixilated, I struggled to get the lines. So it took 2 hours to create the lines for the text. 
It was also very slow to etch the lines, so it started to drive me insane by the end. However, I did get the nets cut, as well as the type (despite them being fragile). 
The box fit together, and the type fit inside (although on this example the words are broken)

I also looked at size, and tried creating a really small box. However, the letters were too small for the laser to cut so it was not successful. 
I then looked at creating a large box, the letters worked, butI preferred the smaller idea.

I also tried different types of paper, but I decided that the slightly marbled white paper looked the best. 

I looked at etching - both with an image of a folded over book and my logo, and I tried small testers of each (in my sketchbook)
I didn't like the effect of the etched book because they didn't really look like words, they just looked like squiggles. 

I did however decide to etch my logo onto the side of my box.

Now that I have cut out the nets, I just need to complete the illustrative portion of my packaging. 

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