Monday 29 April 2013

Starting My Animation

Ideas for my animation: 
Images of circuit boards and sparks.

Creating the spark using photoshop and after effects:

Animating the circuit board:

Tuesday 23 April 2013


I Can Animate

In this workshop we used lego to create a short stop motion film. I enjoyed this workshop however I don't think it would work for my own idea. 

After Effects

Getting to grips with After Effects is difficult, but I think it will allow me to create my animation the way I want it to look. 
Here is the result of one of the workshops:

What next?

I have downloaded the trial of After Effects so I can start experimenting with the way I want all the different elements to look. 
After having these workshops I have started to realise just how much work this is going to be - so I need to start experimenting with my circuit board and spark animation ideas.

Friday 5 April 2013


First Storyboard Draft:

Key Frames/ Timings

Initial planning of animation:
(I know it looks rough and sketchy - but I know what it means!)

 After figuring out the 'story', and making each section fit with my music I think i'm ready to create my first storyboard draft.


Here are a few sketches of the ideas i had for my animation - 

I decided to focus more on circuit boards than the way electricity moves - because this could have more of a narrative. But I will still think about the jagged shapes from the videos of electricity when creating the 'spark'.