Wednesday 27 March 2013


After looking at the mood board I created, I have decided to focus on 'Electricity'.
To start I decided to just put down some of my ideas on paper: 

The main idea I came up with was looking at the way electricity moves, since I think this would work with my music.

To look at how electricity travels I went to youtube to see if there were any videos.

I think this spiky, jagged movement might work with my music. 
I could also look at circuit boards etc.

I think the next thing I need to do is come up with a narrative.. does this electricity lead to anything happening? ...

Thursday 21 March 2013

Animation Research

There are lots of different types of animation, and although I don't have a direction for my own yet I thought it would be a good idea to look at other peoples to get an idea of what's possible :)


I looked at images related to my words to spark some ideas for my animation. 

Mind Map

I decided to look at 4 words in particular:
  • Metallic
  • Electricity
  • Static
  • Industry
I mind mapped these words to hopefully give me some more ideas for my animation.

Monday 18 March 2013

Initial Thoughts.

I have been finding it really hard to start this project, because I really don't like the track I have been given. But when I sat down and listened to it I managed to think of three words:
  • Metallic
  • Electricity
  • Static

I then decided it might be good to ask other peoples opinions of the track, and their responses were interesting:
  • Noise
  • Electricity
  • Rubbish
  • Industry
  • Pollution

I plan to explore these words further, and hopefully this might give me more direction for my animation.

Print To Pixel

Brief: We have been allocated a piece of music, from which we have to make a 20-30 second animation based on our emotional responses. 

This is my piece of music:

It was released in 2002 by Autechre, and the video was made by Alex Rutterford (a british graphic designer)

To inform the direction my animation will go in I need to think of 3 words that the music makes me think of and explore these further. 

Sunday 3 March 2013

Finally Finished!

Although I'm happy to have finished my design, I am not 100% happy with it. I feel like it looks more like a prototype than a polished piece of packaging. 

There are a lot of things I would change: 
Having printed the image onto the net before laser cutting,
Having all parts of the net in one piece instead of having to stick certain parts together, 
Looking more at size (working harder on making it smaller),
Being more careful with my laser cut type (as these bent),

However, it's not all bad. I am still happy with the concept, and I just wish I had more time to go back and make improvements. 
But here it is:

Inside my packaging

After finishing the exterior of my packaging I decided to look at the inside. 
One of my key pieces of information was that I liked using charcoal so I decided to work in this way, but I also felt my design needed some colour- so I looked at using chalk as well to make it more visually interesting (and to show that I don't just like black and white)

This is my original drawing:
I wanted it to look cartoon-ish so I drew it in a sketchy style not being too precious with the lines, but the colours didn't look very vibrant, so I edited this on photoshop, printed it and used it within my packaging.