Wednesday 23 January 2013

Thinking about logos

As a starting point for my logo I decided to look at the logos of my audience (book publishers)


These logo designs all fit the type if book that the publishers mainly sell (for example puffin books are for children). And all of these logos look professional, however I think I want my logo to have more personality, while still looking professional.  

More Paper Engineering

Richard Sweeney

Combination of sharp angles and curves. Lack of colours- emphasising the shapes? 

Peter Callesen 

Complex and intricate 3d shapes from small amounts of paper. 

Jason Jagel

Colourful modern design - many focal points and interesting shapes. Not realistic.

Jen Stark

Combination of white and colourful paper. Lots if sharp angles and symmetry. 

Words Can Fly

(Kyosuke Nishada, Brian Li and Dominic Liu)

Focus on the birds (colourful), words blend into the background while still seeming important (3d).

Paper Engineering

Lydia Crook

Lydia Crook is an artist who ties together books and 3d elements by creating pop up books.

But as well as creating books she also creates intricate images from paper.
They are a combination of paper engineering and ink – a medium I have enjoyed using in other modules.

These images show how paper and type can be manipulated in unexpected ways- and this could link to my self promotion packaging - possibly using pop up or cut out type. However the intricate design could be too fragile to be used as part of the package. Possibly larger words would be more successful? How could I link this with book design and promoting myself?

Monday 21 January 2013

Initial Thoughts.

Project Brief: Design a package that reflects your unique skills and interests as a designer. 

I decided to approach this by looking at what kind of design I am interested in- and this led me to researching book design and book publishers. I thought this would be a good starting point for research and could lend well to the areas of design I enjoy - particularly illustration and possibly typography. 
I will continue to research book and packaging design until I decide how to link these elements together, while promoting myself as a designer.